Um, you keep using the phrase “new standard” in relation to RCS. Nope.

RCS is a 15-year-old standard that Google has been hawking for years. It’s old tech, not all that flexible, and adopting Google’s port of that standard means buying into a Google proprietary world. Apple would be nuts to do that.

And the whole blue bubble/green bubble angst trope is kind of silly. In Europe, nobody uses anyone’s text messaging anyway: they use What’sApp, which is IP-based, encrypted and relatively modern, As is the blue-bubble mode of iMessage. And no, I don’t use WhatsApp, as I trust Meta even less than Google.

Finally, as frequently as Google retires applications and leaves user populations in the lurch, why would anyone trust Google to do this right?

David Phillips
David Phillips

Written by David Phillips

Technology Consultant. Former frog. Photographer. Skier. Occasionally left-handed.

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